We’ve listened to your requests and have finally set up a wine club. With our vast selection of wines, along with our diverse range of styles, we believe our club is a perfect fit for your adventurous tastes!
We offer quarterly 3-6-12 pack wine club options as well as a 12 pack yearly option. Within the quarterly options, you will have the opportunity to specify your wine preferences. Our quarterly *Wine Club shipments will be distributed in the months of January, March, May, September and based on when you signed up for the yearly wine club option your delivery will be in either March or September.
*If you purchased this in a month other than January, March, May, or September, your wine club will not start until the next scheduled shipping month. For an example, if you purchased this in July, you will not get a wine club shipment until September.
In addition, each member will have an exclusive reservations link to my restaurant L’Orange. This will give each member a 30 day advanced window to book regular reservations as well as special tasting menu events.
We are very excited to have you as a member! Thank you for your support.